Types of snoring

Types of snoring

Snoring on the tongue

This type of snoring occurs because the tongue becomes too loose, especially if we lie on your back, blocking the flow of air in the lungs. As a result, it becomes difficult to breathe, causing snoring.

Snoring of the tongue can occur in people who like to drink alcohol or take sleeping pills. Excessive fat on the neck can also cause snoring on the tongue.

Snoring pillows and backpacks are a useful way to prevent this type of snoring. They keep you by your side and prevent you from turning your back and breathing difficulties.

The mouthpiece or snoring device for the development of the lower jaw is specifically designed to be used as a sound control device. This helps move the jaw forward, prevents the tongue from clogging the throat, and allows breathing without obstacles.
Types of snoring

Snoring in the neck

This type of snoring is the strongest and most dangerous of all. This is caused by sleep apnea, a condition in which a person stops breathing several times during their sleep. And this condition occurs when the muscles and soft tissues in the throat are too relaxed. They cause blockage of the pharyngeal wall, prevent airflow and cause snoring of the tongue or sleep apnea.

This happens in any sleep situation and, if left untreated, can cause diabetes, hypertension, and stroke.

Sleep apnea requires immediate medical attention and the most common treatment options are CPAP therapy, UPAP therapy and UAS therapy.

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Snoring on the nose

Nasal congestion due to a deflected septum or physical obstruction of the nose can obstruct the airway and cause nosebleeds. Other causes include allergies and dust in pets, stiff nose, colds or taking certain medications.

This type of snoring can be handled in various ways, depending on what it is:

Defective obstacles may require surgery
If snoring is caused by a dust allergy, it will recover if you keep your house tidy
Likewise, you can stop smoking, use long nasal cords, or rinse your nose to fight snoring caused by cold or stiffness

Snore mouth

When a person breathes through his mouth rather than through his nose while sleeping, it causes snoring in his mouth.

Nasal passages, enlarged tonsils or weak palate tissue can be the cause of this snoring. If you cannot breathe through your nose at night because of constipation, you can breathe through your mouth, causing tissue vibrations and hence snoring.

Basically, snoring the nose has little chance of snoring in the mouth when the nasal passages are blocked. Breathing through the mouth can cause infection because the nose does not filter the air that flows through the mouth.

To avoid this type of snoring, one can use equipment such as masking tape or special mouth protection to help keep the mouth closed.

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