Snoring with mouth closed

Snoring with mouth closed

Snoring a closed mouth can indicate problems with the tongue or neck. Poor neck tissue or muscle tone in the neck and tongue can cause them to fall back into the airways and even snore with their mouths closed. In many cases, this type of snoring has a higher pitch than other typical snoring sounds.

While sleep specialists and doctors claim that this problem is usually caused by several factors, poor tone of the cervical muscles and tongue is mainly caused by deep sleep, smoking, alcohol consumption, normal aging, large tongue and obesity.

Other types of snoring can reduce snoring by using a silent device. People who snore with their mouths closed cannot help with this drug, but they are still exposed to serious health risks.
Snoring with mouth closed

Stopping breathing during sleep can cause high blood pressure and is often associated with a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

In addition, this causes poor sleep quality due to lack of sleep and difficulty waking up, even if you are not aware of it. This will make you feel tired and fussy all day long, resulting in general body tension and immunity.

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Avoid alcohol and sedatives at bedtime

As mentioned above, one of the main causes of snoring mouths is that your tongue and neck fall back into the airways. Alcohol, sleeping pills and sedatives stimulate the contraction of the cervical muscles and tongue and allow you to snore.

Raise your head in your bed

Raise your head at least 4 inches on your bed to keep the airway open and prevent your tongue from falling back. A simple choice is to use a foam wedge or contour pad to lift the head. It also helps maintain the neck and release muscle tension so you can sleep better.

Sleep on your side

Lying on your back can obstruct the airway and cause the base of the tongue to fall into the throat. Try to sleep on your side for light air flow and reduce snoring.

Some studies claim that touching a tennis ball on the back of your pajamas can prevent you from sleeping on your back. This might seem a bit extreme, but you never know, this can actually help. In addition, sleeping on the left side is your natural and fetal position and you will get used to it from time to time.

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