Snoring meaning

Snoring meaning - Snoring is a vibration from the airways and noise that is produced due to interference with air movement during breathing while sleeping. In some cases, the sound may be calm, but in many cases the sound is loud and unpleasant. Snoring during sleep can be the first sign or alarm for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Studies show that snoring is one of the factors causing sleep deprivation.

Snoring is known to cause people who snore and fall asleep in their environment, as well as drowsiness, irritability, lack of concentration, and decreased libido during the day. It is also believed that it can cause significant psychological and social harm to those affected. A number of studies have found a positive correlation between severe snoring and the risk of heart attack (about + 34% chance) and stroke (about + 67% probability).

Although snoring is often considered a minor condition, snoring can sometimes cause severe lifestyle disorders. Temporary experiments by Armstrong et al. recorded a statistically significant increase in marital relations after snoring repaired surgically. This is demonstrated by evidence from Gall et al., Cartwright and Knight and Fitzpatrick et al.
Snoring meaning

Recent studies have linked severe "snoring" to the development of carotid artery arteriosclerosis. Amatoury et al. shows that snoring is transmitted to the carotid artery, thus identifying the mechanism that allows for snoring of carotid artery damage and the development of atherosclerotic plaque. The researchers also found an increase in snoring energy in the carotid lumen at certain frequencies, which contributed to this scenario. Carotid artery vibrations with snoring are also possible mechanisms for the destruction of atherosclerotic plaque and, consequently, ischemic stroke. The researchers also suggest that heavy snoring can cause turbulence in the carotid artery flow. In general, increased turbulence irritates blood cells and has previously been considered a cause of arteriosclerosis. Although there is plausible and preliminary evidence supporting snoring as an independent source of carotid arteries / cardiovascular disease, further studies are needed to further explain this hypothesis.

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