Snoring treatment

Snoring treatment

Lose weight.

Weight loss helps some people, but not everyone. "And thin people snore," said the Klan.

Weight loss can help if you start getting annoyed and start snoring and not snoring before you gain weight. "When you put weight on your neck, it compresses the inside diameter of your neck, making it more likely to collapse and snore in your sleep," Slaughter said.

Avoid alcohol.

Alcohol and sedatives reduce muscle tone in the throat and increase your chances of snoring. "Drinking alcohol four to five hours before bedtime worsens his snoring," Chokroverti said. "People who don't usually snore after drinking alcohol."
Snoring treatment

Do good sleep hygiene.

Poor sleep habits (also known as poor sleep hygiene) can have effects similar to alcohol, Slaughter said. Working long hours without enough sleep, for example, means you are tired when you finally hit a sack. "They sleep well and their muscles are weak, causing snoring," said Slaughter.

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Change your position to sleep.

If you lie on your back, the base of your tongue and soft palate collapse into your throat and cause sound to vibrate while you sleep. If you sleep on your side, you can prevent it.

"Body pillows (end-to-end pillows that support your entire body) make it easy to repair," said Slaughter. "This gives you the opportunity to sleep by your side, and that can change dramatically."

Touching the back of your pajamas with a tennis ball can also prevent you from sleeping on your back, Chokroverti said. "Or you can tilt the bed with your head straight and up, open the nasal passages and prevent snoring, which can cause neck pain." If snoring continues regardless of the sleep situation, obstructive sleep apnea may be the cause.

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