Pros and cons of eating spinach

Pros and cons of eating spinach

Spinach is generally considered to be rich in antioxidants and many vitamins and minerals. He has been found to have significant healing powers for important organs, including: eyes, skeleton and digestive system, and prostate.

Many benefits of spinach are expressed in the form of risk or hazard reduction. For example, spinach is associated with a reduced risk of oxidative stress and high blood pressure and other eye problems. Recently, spinach has been credited with anti-aging vision, brain and cardiovascular function.

There seems to be strong support for the assumption that eating spinach is generally good for you. However, opinions differ about the health consequences including spinach in daily food. Here are three side effects from eating spinach:
Pros and cons of eating spinach

Spinach is rich in oxalic acid, a chemical that binds iron and calcium, causing your body to absorb less of this important nutrient. To overcome this problem, take some vitamin C when you eat spinach. You can do this by drinking a glass of orange juice or tomatoes every time you eat spinach. Vitamin C helps your body absorb calcium and iron better.

Oxalates in spinach can interfere with calcium absorption and may crystallize. People who have kidney or gallbladder problems must be careful when eating this green.

This can interfere with the functioning of the thyroid gland, although cooking can reduce heterogeneous compounds.

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People with gout can be influenced by purines in this food.

Remember, you should not eat spinach and cucumber. This is because spinach is rich in vitamin C and cucumbers contain enzymes that can break down vitamin C. Therefore they don't have to be taken together to avoid interference.

You should also avoid spinach tofu. The reason is spinach contains large amounts of oxalic acid, while tofu has a high calcium ion content.

In addition, spinach should not be eaten with animal hearts, which are rich in a number of small nutrients such as copper and iron.

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