How to stop snoring naturally

How to stop snoring naturally

Quit smoking.

Smoking is bad for your health and also for your sleep. Smoking is associated with sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea, and insomnia.

The more you smoke, the more your snoring becomes.

Stay hydrated.

A hydrated nose is a happier nose. The more dehydrated you are, the more mucus forms in your mouth and throat, blocking the airway and causing you to snore.

The Mayo Clinic recommends 15.5 glasses of water for men and 11.5 glasses for women every day, depending on the level of activity. Remember that 20% of it can come from food.
How to stop snoring naturally

Eat better.

Avoid large meals at night, especially if they contain fatty or sugary foods. They can interfere with your digestive system and make it difficult to sleep.

When snoring, milk products should be specifically avoided because they can leave a mucous layer that is blocking your airway.

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Take a shower with warm water or take a warm bath before going to bed.

The heat of the water opens your airways and when it evaporates from your skin, a drop in temperature signals your brain that it is time to sleep.

In the same way, moisturizers can restore moisture to your room, reduce congestion and make breathing easier at night.

Change to sleeping position.

Do you sleep on your back? Maybe it's time to take your side. Sleeping back is a risk factor for snoring, because it can push your tongue down your throat and block the flow of air. The transition to side sleep is often the first line of defense recommended by health professionals.

If your mattress is adjustable, you can also adjust your headboard to lift your head and neck and activate air flow.

Lose weight.

Snoring occurs when the airways become blocked or narrow during sleep. A common reason for this type of blockage is fat in the throat or throat.

If you are overweight or obese, chances are your snoring will disappear or decrease if you lose weight.


Exercise can help you lose weight by helping the points above. But even if you are not overweight, regular exercise helps you sleep better and reduce snoring.

Exercise increases muscle tone throughout your body and allows your soft palate and neck to retain their shape while you sleep.

Avoid alcohol while sleeping.

Alcohol can make you sleepy and cause sleep, but alcohol lowers your sleep quality and often wakes you up prematurely when you need to urinate or disrupt your sleep cycle.

This is a bad idea to drink before going to sleep, but it is a very bad idea to snore. Snoring must avoid alcohol while sleeping, because it relaxes the muscles of the throat and causes snoring.

Avoid other medicines before bedtime.

Besides alcohol, other drugs can cause snoring or other side effects that negatively affect sleep quality.

One example is sedatives and some prescription pills. Like alcohol, it relaxes your body, including the muscles of the mouth and throat, which causes snoring.

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