Snoring causes and effects

Snoring causes and effects

What causes snoring?

When we breathe, air flows in and out of the constant flow between the nose or mouth and lungs. There is a little noise when we sit and breathe calmly. When we exercise, the air moves faster and makes sounds when breathing. This happens because air moves more quickly into the nose and out of the mouth and out, causing more turbulence in the air flow and some tissue vibrations in the nose and mouth.

When we sleep, the throat sometimes narrows when the muscles relax and even temporarily close. The same amount of air flowing faster through this smaller hole can cause tissue to vibrate around the hole, which in turn can cause snoring sounds. People who snore have different reasons for constriction. Narrowing can occur in the nose, mouth or throat. Palatal snoring is often worse when a person breathes through the mouth or has a blocked nose.
Snoring causes and effects

Snoring health risks

Snoring habits may be a sign of serious health problems, including obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes several problems, including:

  • Respiratory problems (from a few seconds to minutes) during sleep, caused by obstruction of part or all of the airways
  • Get up often, even though you may not realize it
  • Sleep well. Waking up so often at night interferes with normal sleep patterns and causes it to spend more time in light sleep than deeper deep sleep.
  • Tighten your heart. People with prolonged obstructive sleep apnea often produce higher blood pressure and can cause an enlarged heart with a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Lack of sleep This causes fatigue during the day and can affect your quality of life and increase the risk of car accidents.

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