Eating raw spinach side effects

Eating raw spinach side effects

Spinach is next to coleslaw, beets, and most nuts are stone-forming foods. This vegetable is proud of its high oxalate content, which is a metabolic waste product. During digestion, oxalate binds calcium in the digestive tract, reducing its absorption. This compound is naturally removed by urine or feces.

High oxalate intake can cause kidney stones. According to the 2015 Korean Clinical Nutrition Society report, crystals begin to form when oxalate concentrations are four times higher than normal. Most calcium stones in the kidneys are made of calcium oxalate. Studies show that oxalate-rich foods such as spinach and rhubarb increase stone formation. About half of people who develop stones tend to form other stones in 10 years.
Eating raw spinach side effects

Nuts, potatoes and spinach make up 44 percent of oxalate intake in most Americans, according to a study published in 2014 by the Korean Urology Association. Therefore, health experts recommend eating these foods moderately. The same study shows that drinking more fluids can reduce the risk of kidney stones.

Ideally, cook spinach before meals to reduce oxalate levels. Cutting salt and meat can also help. These foods are associated with a higher risk of kidney stones.

Effects of spinach on digestion

A bunch of raw spinach provides about 7.5 grams of fiber. This is about one third of the recommended daily intake based on a 2000 calorie diet. As noted by the Mayo Clinic, these nutrients improve digestive health, prevent constipation, and slow the absorption of sugar into your blood.

On the other hand, too much fiber can have the opposite effect. Consuming more than 70 grams of fiber per day can cause bloating, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, stomach cramps, and other gastrointestinal symptoms, according to Duke University article. It also quickly fills you up and limits your appetite, which can lead to unwitting weight loss.

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Some studies show that fiber can affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals. However, these studies vary. Because these nutrients are considered harmless, no upper intake level has been established.

Spinach fiber can help you maintain a healthy weight, suppress appetite, and keep your digestive system running smoothly. Some people may experience gastrointestinal symptoms, but this may or may not happen to you.

If you search for "spinach gas", "spinach diarrhea" or "spinach digestion" online quickly, you will find that the effect varies from person to person. For example, increasing your fiber intake is more likely to cause digestive problems than gradually adding more fiber to your food.

Other possible side effects

Because these vegetables are rich in fiber, they can reduce your blood sugar levels. This can reduce the risk of diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease and other diseases. However, if you take diabetes medication and eat high-fiber foods, it can cause hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. Ask your doctor if spinach is safe for you.

If you are allergic to salicylates, you may not be able to eat certain fruits and vegetables. As WedMD notes, these compounds naturally occur in spinach, eggplants, turnips, cruciferous vegetables, avocados, apples, peanuts, and other foods. The most common allergic reactions are nasal congestion, swelling of the face and limbs, headaches, shortness of breath, rashes and itching.

Spinach is a healthy supplement for most diets when consumed in moderation. If you experience swelling and indigestion, try reducing your portions. Be sure to drink lots of water to take full advantage of the benefits of fiber.

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