Benefits of celery juice daily California

Benefits of celery juice daily California - Then is the lifestyle really healthy and effective? Is it really good celery juice for the body? Because people believe that celery juice can cure acne, prevent urinary tract infections, lower blood pressure, and much more.

Reported from Bustle on Tuesday (12/3), before Ikut-ikutan with the trend of drinking celery juice, first known myths and facts.

1. Can it really be Detoks?

The greatest myth in any health trend products claiming to be able to ' detoxify ' the system. However, the body has removed toxins from the system using the liver. Celery, which is 95 percent water, can indeed help a person stay hydrated while being made juice. But not only the juice of celery. Eating foods that are rich in nutrients and doing physical activity regularly can also remove toxins from the body.

2. Sugar-containing celery juice

You may think there is no sugar in celery juice because it is made from vegetables that contain a lot of fiber and water, but there is actually little sugar in celery.

3. Is the celery stem healthy?

When eating celery stems, studies have shown that celery does have many health benefits, including the potential to lower inflammation, reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer, and prevent the loss of vision Age-related. But whether the stem alone is beneficial and more healthful when made juice, it is still debated.

4. No need in an empty stomach

Some people recommend drinking celery juice when the stomach is empty to get health benefits. However, Dr. Gabriella Safieh of Parsley Health said that there is no medical evidence in favor of drinking celery juice when an empty stomach has benefits. So, if you want to start drinking celery juice, drink it every time you want.

5. Celery Non-magic juice

Regardless of what is seen on social media, there is actually no medical evidence showing tremendous health benefits. After drinking the celery juice then like magic seems to be healthy. All needs a process.

6. Full longer

Celery can be a filling snack and can contribute to better intestinal health. Celery can help a person feel full longer, improve intestinal health and feed health bacteria in the intestines.

7. Drink anytime

Celery juice is good to be asked for any time because you want to drink it. Don't just be talkative or follow Instagram.

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