29 health benefits of papayas

Papaya is one of the fruits that can be found in many places, ranging from the traditional market to supermarkets. Papaya is a type of fruit plant is very much preserved. Papaya trees are often met in every yard of a resident's home on tropical island. Good papaya fruit enjoyed in any mood. From young papaya to ripe, it can be enjoyed as a culinary that is very appetizing.

Prevents wrinkles

Vitamin E in Papaya makes the benefit of papaya fruit for the face is to stop cellular damage and also prevent the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin A is responsible for displaying delicate and spotless skin. Vitamin C and E increase collagen production thereby maintaining skin firmness.

Brightens facial skin

Vitamins in Papaya help reduce stress on the skin and remove dead skin cells. This gives it a relaxed, healthy, bright and fresh effect. In addition, papaya contains antioxidants and also nourish the skin so that it feels soft and supple. How to get the benefit of papaya fruit for the face is to use papaya mask for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

29 health benefits of papayas

Overcoming Acne

The benefit of papaya fruit for the next face is overcoming acne. Pimples and large pores are two of the most feared skin problems. To get them you can use papaya masks regularly. In addition, it is also useful to help to disguise the black spots of acne scars and stubborn black spots. Combine papaya with lemon and honey to create a more perfect natural mask formula.

Read : Papaya benefits and side effects

Strengthens the immune system

The benefit of the first papaya fruit is to help strengthen the immune system. Vitamin A and vitamin C in papaya can help strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of infections. Eating papaya regularly, will create a protective coating against bacteria and viruses that can also cause flu, cough and cold.

Preventing heart disease

The benefit of other papaya fruit is to prevent heart disease. This is due to the content of fiber, potassium and vitamins that can prevent heart disease. Increased potassium intake is known to reduce adverse effects of heart disease. That's why it's important that you have a papaya piece each day.

Prevents blood clotting

Blood clotting in the body can slow down blood circulation and clog arteries. In severe cases, it can even cause a heart attack or stroke. Well, the benefits of papaya fruit for health can prevent blood clotting. This is because papaya contains substances known as fibrin that can increase blood flow.

Benefits of papaya fruit to maintain digestive health

High fiber content in papaya believed to facilitate the digestive system. In addition, eating papaya daily can meet the daily fiber needs. Cut the papaya into several parts (dice shape), then spread one lime juice, then sprinkle a little sugar on it. Put in the refrigerator, and eat when the papaya fruit starts to cool.

Reduce inflammation

Benefits of papaya fruit to reduce inflammation. Because, papaya contains enzymes called papain and chymopapain that have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce the risk of suffering from chronic diseases. This enzyme may also treat other problems associated with inflammation such as edema.
Has nutrient content that is important to the body

Papaya is an excellent source of vitamins with antioxidant properties such as vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. This orange-coloured fruit also delivers B-complex vitamins and minerals such as potassium, copper and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals work together to support cell regeneration and help prevent diseases caused by free radicals. The benefits of papaya fruit in this case is supplying the nutrients that are important to the body.

Benefits of papaya fruit to nourish the bones

By consuming papaya fruit can be adequate needs of vitamin K for good bone health. Because it performs actions in altering the bone protein matrix, increases the absorption of calcium and can reduce the excretion of calcium excretion.

As an energy reserve

Besides functioning to facilitate digestion, the benefits of papaya fruit can also provide an energy reserve for you who have a lot of activity. Besides being able to backup energy that makes you not easily tired, papaya fruit can also help you to get a good sleep every night and do not experience insomnia.

Improve body Endurance

Papaya contains vitamin C as much as 33 percent more than citrus fruits. This makes the benefit of papaya fruit can be relied on to help restore the condition after illness. In addition, the efficacy of other papaya fruit can also strengthen the immune.

Become anti-parasitic

For centuries, the roots and papaya seeds are used to make tea, which efficacious to repel parasites, reduce bleeding, renal colic and jaundice. About 20 papaya seeds contain proteins that are easily digestible, can be chewed or swallowed to remove most parasites.

A study from Nigeria and published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that dried papaya seeds is an effective treatment cheap, natural and widely available for human colon parasites without significant side effects.

Preventing heart disease

The benefits of papaya for the next health are as a preventive heart disease. Papaya contains high vitamin C and lycopene that is very beneficial to strengthen the function of your heart. So, if you want to prevent heart disease, papaya consumption on a regular basis to make your heart healthier.

Make your hair lush

The benefits of papaya fruit for health is generally associated with the health of the digestive organs, but do you know that the benefits of papaya fruit also for beauty. The benefits of papaya can be applied to make the hair lush.

Consume papaya fruit regularly to make the hair dense and lush. In addition, papaya can also make the nails more beautiful and not easily broken.

Preventing asthma

The risk of developing asthma is lower in people who consume a large amount of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is beta-carotene, which is contained in foods such as papaya, apricot, broccoli, melon, pumpkin, and carrot.

Healthy Bones

A low vitamin K intake has been linked to a higher risk of bone fracture. The consumption of vitamin K is quite important for good health, as it increases the absorption of calcium and can reduce the excretion of urine calcium, which means there is more calcium in the body to strengthen and rebuild the bones. You can get vitamins from papaya fruit.


The benefits of papaya can overcome diabetes. Research has shown that people with type 1 diabetes who consume high-fibre foods have lower blood glucose levels, and those with type 2 diabetes may have increased blood sugar, lipid, and Insulin. Eating papaya can meet 3 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to only 17 grams of carbohydrates.


Choline is a very important and versatile nutrient contained in the papaya fruit. This papaya content can help our body rest, muscle movements, learning, and memory. Choline also helps maintain the structure of cell membranes, assists the transmission of nerve impulses, helps with fat absorption, and reduces chronic inflammation.

Healthy Eyes

Age-related macular degeneration. It has various benefits of papaya for health, including the prevention of asthma and even anti-cancer properties.

Zeaxanthin, the antioxidant contained in papaya can filter the harmful blue light. It is thought to play a protective role in eye health, and can resist macular degeneration. However, higher intake of all fruits has been shown to reduce the risk and progression of age-related macular degeneration.

Facilitate the digestive system

Everyone knows that the benefits of papaya fruit can overcome constipation or difficult CHAPTER, then it is very important to eat papaya after eating. Besides being easily obtained, Papaya also has many health benefits.

Fruit papaya contains ' papain ' which can aid in digestion by breaking down proteins. Papaya Fruit is a good source of fiber, folate, vitamin A, carotenoids, lutein, lycopene and essential amino acids that affect the function of cells.

As an energy reserve

Besides functioning to facilitate digestion, the benefits of papaya can also provide energy reserves for you who have a lot of activity. Besides being able to backup energy that makes you not easily tired, papaya fruit can also help you to get a good sleep every night and do not experience insomnia.

Improve body Endurance

Papaya contains vitamin C as much as 33 percent more than citrus fruits. This makes fruit papaya to be one of the mainstay to help restore the condition of the body after illness. In addition, the efficacy of other papaya fruit can also strengthen the immune.

Makes skin seamless

The efficacy of this papaya fruit is a good news for women. Fruit papaya contains high vitamin E. Therefore, many cosmetic companies that utilize this papaya content to make anti-aging products a.k.a. aging prevention. This high vitamin E content can prevent and treat black spots so that the skin becomes smoother and firmer.

Papaya Skin can cure rash

Many people consider the efficacy of papaya only in the flesh. In fact, papaya bark can also be a potent remedy for rashes and sun-burned skin. The cool sensation of the papaya skin will give a soothing effect on the skin of the rash or sun-burned skin.

Suitable for diet

The efficacy of papaya for other health is to diet.  One medium size papaya fruit is 5 inches (12.7 cm) long and 3 inches (7.6 cm) diameter contains only 119 calories, less than 0.5 g fat, 24 g natural sugar and 5.5 g fiber. So, you can eat papaya on the sidelines of your diet without having to fear an increase in body weight.

Preventing cancer and tumors

The benefits of papaya fruit for health not only lies in the fruit alone. The leaves of papaya also contribute to the health of the body. Researchers at the University of Florida used dried papaya leaf extract to discover the dramatic effect of papaya against 10 types of tumors. Indigenous Australians have also succeeded in using papaya leaf extract to control cancer without toxicity.

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