Papaya benefits and side effects

Papaya benefits and side effects - Although many provide health benefits and good for the body's metabolic system, fruit papaya apparently should not be consumed excessively, especially those who are still raw.

There are a number of side effects that will be obtained from consuming too much papaya or excessive fruit. Want to know what are the side effects that occur when consuming too much papaya?

Causes respiratory disorders

Papain in Papaya is also a potential allergen. People who consume many papaya end up swallowing excessive papain and this can cause allergies to breathing. Some of these include asthma, mengi, nasal congestion, and, in severe cases, even difficulty breathing. In fact, this can be a problem for pregnant women as well. Respiratory allergies can also affect the fetus, causing further complications.

Lowering too much blood sugar

There is limited research on this. But some sources suggest that people who use diabetes medication should avoid papaya because if not so, then the blood sugar level will become too low.

Read Also : 29 Health Benefits of Papaya

Interacting with drugs

Sources say that papaya can interact with warfarin, a drug used to slow down blood clotting. This could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. This fruit can also interact with blood thinning drugs and improve the effect. If you use blood thinners or anticoagulants, such as aspirin, please speak with your doctor before consuming papaya.

Causes kidney stones

Papaya is full of vitamin C, and research suggests that excess vitamin C (more than 2,000 mg per day for adults, and more than 1,200 mg per day for children) can cause poisoning symptoms, including kidney stones.  Vitamin C, after metabolized in the body, produces oxalate which can turn into stone.

Cause miscarriage

The fact that papaya can cause latex allergies in individuals. This can be potentially harmful to mothers as well as unborn children. Other studies have also talked about the enzyme papain in papaya, which suppresses progesterone (sex hormones) which is necessary to prepare the uterus for fertilization. Papain can also damage certain membranes in the female body that are important for fetal development. Further research also tells us that papain in papaya can poison the fetus and cause birth defects in newborns.

Causes digestive problems

The same papain that can soothe your stomach can also cause indigestion if consumed excessively. Papaya rich in fiber, and too much to consume it can cause indigestion. Also, the skin of its fruit contains latex-which can irritate the stomach and cause pain. Papain in fruit works well in breaking the fibers. But if the fibers are not well digested, you can suffer from gastric gas. Papaya can also cause diarrhea in certain people-the fiber in this fruit can bind the stool and cause diarrhea, which can make you highly dehydrated.

Benefits of papaya juice

Helps treat cancer
Papaya juice can help prevent cancer especially colon cancer because of its high content. In addition, cancer can also be prevented by lycopene substances in the papaya fruit.

Good for Skin health
The papain substance in papaya will dissolve dead skin cells so that your skin becomes more radiant. Meanwhile, the papaya grain in the papaya juice can also be used as a natural remedy to prevent acne.

Nourish the gastrointestinal tract
High papaya juice fibers minimize the risk of constipation. Besides papain content that can help reduce digestive problems, papaya seeds also contain one of the properties of worms that can help get rid of the risk of smallpox disease.

Reduce menstrual cramps
A glass of papaya juice every morning can help smoothen your menstruation. Papaya juice can also facilitate the bloodstream during menstruation.

Boosts immune system
The papaya juice is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C which helps in boosting the immune system. If you want to prevent the body from cold, flu and fever attacks, do not forget to eat a glass of papaya juice every morning.

Relieve pain due to osteoporosis
Papaya contains anti-inflammatory enzymes that are effective in alleviating pain for those suffering from osteoporosis and arthritis.

Helps cure dengue fever
The researchers found that the juice from papaya leaves is potent in helping to treat dengue fever. This juice can increase the number of platelets for patients with dengue fever.

Reducing morning sickness
Pregnant women generally suffer from nausea and morning sickness. A glass of papaya juice can help get rid of it.

Papaya benefits pregnancy

Launching digestion

Papaya is able to help in smoothing digestion, because in papaya contains enough fibers that are beneficial. Papaya Fruit is able to help accelerate the digestion process of proteins present in the body. The digestive process of proteins itself is a frequent pregnancy disorder. So that papaya is very beneficial in the process of accelerating the digestion of proteins, for anyone and pregnant women.

No excess Protein

Fruit papaya contains only a little protein, only around 5 grams per one kilogram of papaya fruit. However we need to know that although the proteins are contained only slightly, but all of them can be digested and absorbed by the body well, especially for pregnant women to optimize fetal development.

Fetal Organ Formation

Vitamin A that is one of the ingredients contained in papaya makes papaya function in maintaining the health of the eyes. Vitamin A is found in the benefits of papaya fruit for pregnant women, very beneficial in the process of forming a baby vision organ. It will also make prospective babies have healthy eyes.

Preventing dehydration

Water that is pretty much in the fruit of papaya is able to help the water intake needed by pregnant women to avoid dehydration and other effects caused by dehydration.

Rich in Vitamin C

Fruit for pregnant women, rich in vitamin C as found in papaya fruit will help pregnant women in maintaining the body condition to remain healthy and stable. Hla will avoid fever due to extreme weather changes. Papaya is able to prevent us from flu, infections, and colds because it contains vitamin C.

Keeping blood pressure

Papaya is enriched with potassium which is quite a lot. This makes the benefits of papaya fruit for pregnant women, will control the process of sodium, so it will help us in maintaining blood pressure and increase mental alertness, especially in pregnant women.

Immune boosting

In maintaining the immune system, it requires healthy food for pregnant mothers who contain a beta. Papaya Fruit is able to fulfill these needs so that papaya is beneficial to maintain immunity during pregnancy.

Antidote Free radicals

The benefit of papaya fruit for pregnant women enriched with antioxidants, making papaya is very good if we use to ward off free radicals. Including during pregnancy where the fetus is growing in the mother's womb.

From some of the adverse impacts that have been described, then we can draw the conclusion that papaya is harmful to pregnant women only in certain parts. So it is recommended to pregnant women to be careful if consuming papaya fruit. It is advisable to consume only papaya fruit that is actually ripe and clean from the sap. It is also advisable not to consume papaya at the time of the young content, or not consume papaya in the early weeks of pregnancy. And if you want to consume papaya, consumption is not too much, and consume with regard to the level of maturity and cleanliness.

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