The Benefits Of The Fruit And Leaves Of Breadfruit

Breadfruit as long as it's used by many people because it is very useful, can be eaten and made into traditional medicine. Breadfruit is often used as a meal replacement for rice or as snacks nutritious. Their texture is similar to the bread and is often referred to by Westerners as breadfruit. This fruit tastes delicious and has a fairly high carbohydrate content even exceeds the potatoes and cassava. And the outside is usually longer, breadfruit still remains low in calories.

Breadfruit if in Java called seedless fruit because it has no seeds. When in the tropics, breadfruit often consume carbohydrate sources particularly in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Breadfruit is found in areas with high rainfall and the temperature of the surroundings reach 20 C to 40 c. breadfruit tree So it can be easily found all over the kepulauah archipelago. Tall tree reaching 30 m and the color of the leaves typically shiny dark green on the upper side and rather dull on the down side.

In addition to the health benefits of breadfruit plants, very much, for example, already since breadfruit formerly Scorpion utilized as such foodstuffs made of flour and cooked. SAP breadfruit was used to be the ingredients of chewing gum and to patch the base of the boat. For the wood used to make furniture because it is very light and strong.
The Benefits Of The Fruit And Leaves Of Breadfruit

Leaf nutritious breadfruit to overcome various health problems e.g. a light treat panu, treating thrush by means of destroying the breadfruit leaves then tacked on the mouth parts are exposed to canker sores, sore and resolve. The trick is to soak the breadfruit leaves into the tub or container and then a sore foot in soak in it for a few moments.

After having done some research suggests that the benefits of breadfruit leaves not up there alone but it can cure chronic diseases.

Heart medicine for breadfruit leaves
The cause of heart disease is very diverse but usually caused the blood pressure in the body. To overcome this problem is by way of setting up some old breadfruit leaves that are still stuck in the tree and then washed to clean, then dry the leaves until dry and then boiled in a pot with breadfruit leaves measure about 5 cups of water. The stew you drink until discharged on the same day, next day do exactly the way above.

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