Side Effects Of Breadfruit Leaves

Breadfruit trees with fruit that do not have seeds and the inside of the fruit is very tender after cooking bread similar to or in the FRY. Fruit bread or breadfruit was widely known by the name of the European Community.

Part of the leaves turned out to contain a lot of sukun nutritious substances for health or medicine, for example only riboflavin, tannin, hidrosanat and asetilcolin. Therefore, the leaves are often used breadfruit as a medicinal herb in natural and believe a lot of people to treat certain types of specific diseases.

Side Effects Of Breadfruit Leaves

Cramps in muscles
When you regularly consume the leaves of breadfruit as a medicinal herb then there are several types of foods that should be avoided such as red meat, organ meats, spinach leaves and cassava leaves. Negative impacts can cause blood so thick resulting in cramping muscles become.

Low blood pressure
People who have low blood pressure should be cautious in using the herb leaves breadfruit because it can cause blood pressure will be even lower.
Side Effects Of Breadfruit Leaves

Tips in preparing for breadfruit leaves in herbal medicine

  • Select leaves that are old, usually yellowish leaf colour.
  • In order to get the maximum benefits of breadfruit leaves preferably picked directly from the tree.
  • We recommend that you choose leaves that flawed or not is still fresh. The leaves usually have many defects breadfruit holes and uneven color or dirty.
  • Before you wear it preferably is first dried breadfruit leaves under the Sun until it is completely dry.
  • Stailess steel pan or use the pottery clay to boil the herb leaves breadfruit. Never wear materials made from aluminum because of the substance of the pot can cause harmful effects to your health.

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