How To Make A Tea Leaf Breadfruit

Most people do not realize that leaves breadfruit turns out to have a very good ability to the health of our body. This can be seen in the content of the leaves of the breadfruit has many important compounds such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2 and c. breadfruit leaves Additionally contains minerals such as iron, phosphorus and calcium.

The content of essential amino acids in leaves of breadfruit is important for our bodies, because the human body is not able to produce it. All the benefits of breadfruit leaves can we feel when it is in sports. The following are the benefits and how to make the tea leaves of breadfruit.

Maintaining healthy kidneys
In order for the kidneys stay healthy then regular consumption is strongly advised and breadfruit leaves which can also heal the sick kidney. The trick is pretty easy to boil breadfruit leaves, i.e., filtered and then drinking regularly every day.

Can treat heart disease
The benefits of leaf breadfruit is able to maintain the health of blood vessels and the heart. The trick is to take an old yellow breadfruit leaves that are still stuck in the tree and select leaves that are still clean and not bolong2. The levels of the chemical in the leaves of the old breadfruit is already at maximum and this can treat heart disease.
How To Make A Tea Leaf Breadfruit

The leaves of the breadfruit is able to lower blood pressure
Benefits of breadfruit leaves capable of preventing diabetes and lowering high blood pressure. Yellow breadfruit leaves old in believe by society to lower high blood pressure and other benefits is to lower blood sugar.

Cultivate the leaves so that kidneys stay healthy breadfruit
The trick is to choose some leaves fresh breadfruit and wash to clean with running water. Then leaves boil breadfruit last and strain. Herb leaves breadfruit is ready for drinking, try consumed every day on a regular basis.

Processing leaves breadfruit to treat heart pain
The trick is to prepare at least one sheet of old yet breadfruit leaves fall from the trees. Wash clean up and then dried in the Sun to dry. Boil breadfruit leaves dried up last with five cups of water to a boil and wait until the water is staying half. After that add more water as much as five cups and boil again until simmering, then strain the decoction of leaves and breadfruit is ready to drink.

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