Benefits Of Breadfruit Leaves For High Blood

Not many people know the benefits of breadfruit leaves, because people typically just capitalize on breadfruit as a food ingredient. Breadfruit is indeed one of the fruit that tastes delicious especially if fruit is fried by using flour and served while warm along with a cup of coffee or tea.

A lot of people who let the leaves breadfruit or not wear it when the benefits of breadfruit leaves very much even exceeds the benefits of fruit. Substance in the leaves of breadfruit serves as a drug to tackle various diseases or health problems, such as the following.

Make the healthy kidney
The leaves of the breadfruit is able to nourish while maintaining healthy kidneys. A method for processing the leaves of breadfruit is to boil a few leaves to a boil breadfruit, filtered and drink one cup every day on a regular basis so that the kidneys stay healthy and work to the maximum. Breadfruit leaves contain potassium which acts to help break down the sediment so that Kidney stone kidney stones were destroyed will be expelled through the urine.

The heart so healthy
Benefits of breadfruit leaves are also effective for patients with symptoms of the disease of hypertension. Yellow breadfruit leaves that are still stuck in the tree contain quercetin and phenols that can lower blood pressure. Breadfruit leaves are also useful for maintaining healthy blood vessels so the heart so much healthier. Method of processing is by setting up the old yellow breadfruit leaves stuck in the tree and then wash clean and dried in the Sun. Then boil with five glasses of water and wait until the rest of the half and then strain and drink until gone.
Benefits Of Breadfruit Leaves For High Blood

Lowering cholesterol levels
Leaves of breadfruit can also lower cholesterol levels in the body, method of processing is a handful of breadfruit leaves dried under the Sun. Once dry recently boiled with steel Pan (not aluminum because it could have been contaminated with the poison in the pot). If even just brewed leaves dried last breadfruit with hot water, the same way when making tea. Herbal potion of leaves breadfruit is ready to drink.

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