Can you eat spinach stems

Can you eat spinach stems

Did you know that spinach stems are edible, actually good? It feels like spinach without violent leaves. You can prepare them in various ways. Some recipes have been developed specifically for stems. On the other stem, spinach is combined with the leaves. In other cases, the stem can replace the leaves in the recipe.

Vegetable juice

Use stems in vegetables or fruits and vegetable juices. If you have a cold-pressing juicer, it's best to put it in a food processor first, so that the pulp doesn't clog the pulp.
Can you eat spinach stems

Red chili stems

Cut the handle 2 - 2.5 cm in length and season with a little red chili, then add water, cover and let it cook until soft.

Spinach sticks

In looking for other ways to use spinach sticks, I made this beautiful hot spinach salad, a little butter, and added a little verjuice to the stems: the spinach oil with the stems. This must be my favorite method when using spinach stems.

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