Benefits Of Breadfruit Leaves Dried For Health

The leaves of the breadfruit is one kind of fruit that can be processed into a variety of dishes or delicious and tasty dishes. One of the most popular dishes and often encountered was boiled breadfruit and fried breadfruit. The sweet taste of breadfruit, soft tongue and can stomach fills quickly.

Breadfruit is one type of plant kluwih because it has the character of a tree, stem, fruit and leaves very similar to kluwih. But every part of breadfruit can be used turned out to be everything. The shape of the leaves of breadfruit that has some pretty wide of the line segment. The leaves are dried breadfruit highly potent in treating certain types of the disease are mild or severe. The following are benefits of breadfruit leaves dry to health.

1. Treat kidney disease
Kidney disease is very scary for most people because of the cost of treatment is very expensive and are required to wash the blood on a regular basis at least once a month. For people who want to treat kidney disease and costs cheaper then can utilize the leaves dried breadfruit. Breadfruit leaves a very potent drug is and a special compound in it has the effect of diuretics. Kidney sufferers should try treatment methods with breadfruit as an alternative because it is cheap and easy to find materials.
Benefits Of Breadfruit Leaves Dried For Health

2. Lowers cholesterol levels
Foods that contain saturated fats and trans fats usually contain a very high cholesterol levels. One of the foods that contain high cholesterol are beef, poultry and vegetable oils. Cholesterol in the body can not be utilized so that will accumulate in the blood. Negative effects in the long term can lead to stroke and heart disease. The leaves are dried breadfruit is able to reduce levels of cholesterol from the body through urine.

3. Lower the risk of heart disease
The causes of heart disease can be caused by several reasons e.g. because of stroke, kidney failure and stroke. The formation of plaques in blood vessels can be caused due to a bad metabolism patterns. The leaves of the breadfruit is able to make the blood flow and blood pressure in the blood vessels become better. Long term effects can treat heart disease until fully recovered.

4. formation of warding off cancer cells
The cause of the formation of cancer cells because of healthy cells in the body are damaged due to caused by various types of substance free radicals. Long-term can make these damaged cells mutate and cause cancer. Cancer cells can appear in all the organs of the human body. So we are not affected by the cancer prevention method is then consumes a decoction of the leaves dried breadfruit than doing chemotherapy.

5. Treating gout
Gout can lead to bodily functions so fat even long-term can make arthritis and paralysis. This is due to the high acid levels in the blood vessels. By drinking tea made from the dried leaves of the breadfruit is able to lower the uric acid gradually. Anti-inflammatory effect in lowering the risk of breadfruit is able to inflammation in the joints.

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