- Easier and sure higher quality communication (although arguably distinction forces one to look at one’s own culture additional rigorously , and should truly enhance however well you communicate its values ).
- More world cooperation because of shared understanding of the globe, shared goals, shared methodologies of achieving these. Arguably world cooperation needs a degree of similarity, values square measure shared in similar cultures.
- Larger marketplace for content (music, tv etc) that is appealing to common interests and fads. Economies of scale achieved. additional selection for shoppers.
- More foregone conclusion of other’s actions.
- Less diversity of ideas. completely different cultures square measure powerful experiments in seeing however else a society might work and supply examples to challenge existing norms and standing quo. they supply inspiration for changes at intervals any given culture.
- Less ability to flee one’s own culture if you do not am passionate about it.
- Blandness in uniformity. Most people square measure fascinated to know however a completely completely different system works.
- There could also be some facet of “specialisation” that comes out of getting completely different cultures. therefore there might be a internet economic loss from this issue (in isolation)
There square measure others, however the most advantage of a homogenised culture that I will think about is this: merely, individuals trust each other implicitly and simply because of a basic daily understanding of every other’s humanity.
When a bunch has all grownup up with constant media, and in roughly constant conditions, and with roughly constant manners and understanding of the means the culture’s systems work, it's straightforward for them to sympathise with one another. individuals tend to be kinder to those whom they perceive well, and in a very homogenised culture, you perceive most of the people as good as.
When a small is committed, others tend to be additional charitable to the offender. In these cultures, there's a general belief that folks square measure for the most part “good” with solely some “bad apples” accountable for many of society’s issues.
The disadvantage to the current is that since most of the people square measure named equally, they suppose equally. there's very little area for innovation or deism, and in some cases those that don’t toe the road can notice themselves ostracized.
This ends up in a general stagnation of the society associated probably an amplification of humanity’s natural social phobia and racism.
These conclusions square measure all drawn from my experiences here in Japan, and should not translate to alternative homogenised cultures. In fact, i would not be shocked if there have been multiple samples of the precise opposite of this.
That’s the matter with this kind of question - it needs generalization on the far side the purpose of quality. It’s a small amount like asking “What will soup style like?” there's nobody answer.
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