Advantages and Disadvantages of Adopting a Kitten


  • Toxoplasmosis:
  • Cost
  • Smell
  • Vampire nightmares
  • Feces all over
  • More cost
  • Glaring neighbours whose petunias (or whatever) ar be-fouled or otherwise messed regarding with.
  • Glaring alternative neighbours whose toddler-age kid cannot play in their own garden as a result of 'my' cats have unclean it (see infection, above).
  • More price once more after they get 'cat flu'.
  • Smell once more. The males bloody stink.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Adopting a Kitten


  • Adorable bundles of fuzz. At this age, anyways. you recognize all of these funny/cute YouTube videos and Cute Overload pictures? yea, it's like having that on the market at most the time whenever you are around them.
  • Relatively low maintenance. Once trained to use the litterbox, they will do their business there. Granted, i need to coach mine to use the homo sapien rest room, 'cause i am a lazy engineer and that is with great care way more best. does not need walks sort of a dog tho'.
  • Companionship. in contrast to girlfriends / wives, these tend to be a small amount less whiney, slot in a box for straightforward transportation, do not demand gifts at the special times, and will not complain once their food's boring and every one a similar.
  • Responsibility observe. With an internal cat, you are looking at 10+ years of taking care of a living creature. i am still wrapping my head around this one, actually, however it'd undoubtedly a decent factor on behalf of me.


1.) Kittens ar cute.

2.) you'll ne'er have bugs or rodents in your house as they handle that issue for you (when they grow up).

3.) you'll have atiny low heater in bed with you each night.

4.) you'll forever have a comic story regarding what your kitten did last night.

5.) Most shelters ar overrun with cats ANd kittens right away and ar giving large discounts for an already spayed/ castrated  cat that's up so far on shots.

6.) You won’t wear down breeding

if you adopt.


1.) The vet is terribly pricey.

2.) Litter boxes aren't any joy to wash.

3.) Cats will scratch furniture/ rug with nothing else to scratch.

They bring such a lot joy to their house owners.

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