The advantages and downsides rely upon what your business is all concerning. If well enforced, technology (anything from automation of the workplace or work buildings, backup power systems, right down to servers, PCs, tablets, smartphones, etc) will facilitate workers and managers succeed optimum productivity (the sweet spot, not the maximum), business owners/administrators will keep track of everything that happens, you'll detain bit with clients and perform analysis on feedback knowledge to ascertain the list of priority changes to extend customer satisfaction, and then several different things that take a great deal of your time to enumerate.
Disadvantages will become trade-offs rather than bumps on the road, as long as you've got a competent CTO that leads an obsessive and highly-skilled team of engineers and technicians. Disadvantages will stem from poor management, investments through with very little or no coming up with and hard preparation, not coaching staff to use the complete potential of the technology infrastructure, not having a BYOD culture, permitting unessential distractions, etc. you'll additionally get issues from complicating things an excessive amount of, which may cause slow-downs, downtime, etc. Blind cost-cutting and cheaping out can invariably have a negative result, and also the same goes with over-spending on things that do not be for your business.
That being aforementioned, the question is extremely broad, and then is my answer. associate IT firm will offer you a way higher answer, one that's in tune along with your specific desires. you will not get the picture for complimentary from somebody on Quora.
TLDR: The question is extremely broad. the benefits and downsides rely upon implementation, business size, worker talent levels, sector/sectors of activity, etc. within the right hands, technology will work wonders (pun intended), however it will fail miserably or build no distinction if you do not accept each detail and the way it all fits into your business strategy.
1. able to hook up with the net and participate within the on-line world
2. blame laptop fucking for low productivity, goof off at work
3. play minesweeper!
discover quora and wikipedia, bye bye free time.
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