The major limitations or disadvantages of a external-combustion engine or external combustion engine square measure given below :
1. A external-combustion engine is large and serious. (That is Associate in Nursing external combustion engine is large and heavy). thanks to its huge boiler and chamber a external-combustion engine is large, serious and clumsy. Since the boiler of a external-combustion engine is incredibly serious, therefore, a external-combustion engine can't be used for running tiny vehicles like cars and buses.
2. A external-combustion engine doesn't begin quickly. (That is, Associate in Nursing external combustion engine doesn't begin at once). Before a external-combustion engine will begin, we've got to create a coal fireplace to induce steam. This method takes an extended time and thus a external-combustion engine can't be started at a moment’s notice.
3. A external-combustion engine is unsafe to use. (That is, Associate in Nursing external combustion engine is unsafe to use). A external-combustion engine isn't terribly safe to use as a result of its boiler will burst thanks to excessive steam pressure. so as to induce the most work from the warmth energy, the steam needs to be maintained at hot temperature and a awfully high within the boiler. If, by chance, the steam pressure will increase an excessive amount of, then the boiler will burst resulting in loss of life and property. Thus, the foremost dangerous a part of a external-combustion engine (or external combustion engine) is its boiler wherever steam is created. Actually, within the time period of the external-combustion engine, sensible materials weren't offered for the development of boilers that might face up to high steam pressure. Even the development techniques weren't excellent. So, plenty of accidents were caused within the time period of the external-combustion engine thanks to the explosive of boilers, thanks to poor materials employed in creating boilers and faulty construction of boilers.
4. A external-combustion engine has low potency. (That is, Associate in Nursing external combustion engine has low efficiency). The thermal potency of a external-combustion engine is regarding twenty per cent which implies that a external-combustion engine will convert solely regarding twenty per cent of the warmth energy into work. one in every of the explanations for the low potency of a external-combustion engine is that the steam employed in it's not at a awfully hot temperature. another excuse for the low potency of a external-combustion engine is that the loss of warmth thanks to the big exposed expanse of the external-combustion engine, notably the boiler and also the cylinder.Because of these limitations (or disadvantages) of the external combustion engine, another engine referred to as burning engine was fabricated. we are going to come back thereto once a short while. we tend to shall currently discuss a number of the benefits of the external combustion engine (steam engine) over the wind-mills and water-mills.
Advantages of the external-combustion engine over Wind-Mills and Water-Mills :
1. A external-combustion engine (or external combustion engine) can be set anyplace as a result of water is heated in a very separate boiler to supply steam. The external-combustion engine, with its boiler, can be taken to anyplace of labor. On the opposite hand, processing wind or flowing water isn't offered everyplace to run the wind mills or water mills.
2. A external-combustion engine (or external combustion engine) is used at any time as a result of steam is created at any time. On the opposite hand, a wind-mill or water-mill is used only wind and flowing water square measure offered.
3. A external-combustion engine (or external combustion engine) is wont to run trains for going from one place to a different however wind-mills and water-mills can't be used for this purpose.
4. A external-combustion engine (or external combustion engine) is way additional powerful than a wind-mill or water-mill.
5. A external-combustion engine (or external combustion engine) will use just about any combustible for fuel-wood, coal, oil, previous furnishings, …anything that may be place into the furnace. This makes it a awfully versatile supply of power since something within the neighborhood is used.
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