Benefits Of Quitting Social Media

Benefits Of Quitting Social Media

Benefits Of Quitting Social Media
Benefits Of Quitting Social Media

Indeed there are times when there is enough sulithidup without social media. There are even jobs that do require you to be in the world of social media. This reason is a digital era where social media has become a necessity. However, social media also has adverse effects on health. For that, it's a good idea to reduce or at least limit yourself to not being on social media.

Improve memory
A study reports that always using emails and computers can cause depletion of materigreys in your brain. It can affect memory or recall. Therefore, you have to have enough time to not always rely on social media to improve your memory.

Read : Benefits Of Social Media

Lowering the risk of depression
Using social media continuously, especially if you are looking for happiness there, it can make you feel that your own life is not good enough. Later on, you will tend to be dependent on finding happiness on social media without first searching the real world with friends.

When you can't find anything interesting, then you'll feel depressed without realizing it. For that, if you stop doing social media, you can lower the risk of depression.

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Make you more social
Take a break from playing social media to make you more concerned about and give a lot of time to meet and get to know people in the real world.

Meeting, knowing, and chatting with people around directly can reduce loneliness and depression.

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Reduces risk of obesity
When you spend a lot of time on various social media platforms, it means you'll be seated or lying somewhere. In front of your phone or computer, and surf the social media. Automatically, you won't be doing enough physical activity to burn calories.

Also, for hours using social media means you have little time to train physically. Of course, it will increase the risk of obesity.

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