Banana benefits and side effects

Bananas area unit among the foremost wide consumed fruits on the earth and, per the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans' favorite contemporary fruit. The curvy yellow fruits area unit high in "potassium and cellulose, a type of fiber," aforesaid Laura Flores, a San Diego-based dietitian. they'll even be an honest thanks to get atomic number 12 and vitamins C and B6. "Bananas area unit high in antioxidants, which might give protection from free radicals, that we tend to acquire contact with a day, from the daylight to the lotion you place on your skin," Flores additional.

Flores reported  a good form of health advantages related to the fruit. "Bananas area unit identified to cut back swelling, defend against developing type-2 polygenic disorder, aid in weight loss, strengthen the system and facilitate with production of white blood cells, all owing to the high level of vitamin B that bananas contain," she told Live Science.

Here area unit the nutrition facts for bananas, per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, that regulates food labeling through the National Labeling and Education Act:

 Health advantages

Heart health

Bananas area unit smart for your heart. they're packed with K, a mineral solution that keeps electricity flowing throughout your body, that is needed to stay your heart beating. Bananas' high K and low Na content may facilitate defend your circulatory system against high pressure, per the FDA.
Depression and mood
Banana benefits and side effects

Bananas will be useful in overcoming depression "due to high levels of essential amino acid, that the body converts to monoamine neurotransmitter, the mood-elevating brain neurochemical," Flores aforesaid. Plus, vitamin B will assist you sleep well, and atomic number 12 helps to relax muscles.
Digestion and weight loss

Bananas area unit high in fiber, which might facilitate keep you regular. One banana will give nearly ten p.c of your daily fiber demand. vitamin B also can facilitate defend against kind two polygenic disorder and aid in weight loss, per Flores. In general, bananas area unit an excellent weight loss food as a result of they style sweet and area unit filling, that helps curb cravings. They additionally facilitate sustain blood glucose levels throughout workouts.

Carrots could get all the glory for serving to your eyes, however bananas do their share yet. The fruits contain alittle however vital quantity of antiophthalmic factor, that is important for safeguarding your eyes, maintaining normal vision and improving vision at night, according to the National Institutes of Health. Vitamin A contains compounds that preserve the membranes around your eyes and are an element in the proteins that bring light to your corneas. Like other fruits, bananas can help prevent macular degeneration, an incurable condition, which blurs central vision.

Bananas may not be overflowing with calcium, but they are still helpful in keeping bones strong.  According to a 2009 article in the Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, bananas contain an abundance of fructooligosaccharides. These are nondigestive carbohydrates that encourage digestive-friendly priobotics and enhance the body's ability to absorb calcium.

Some evidence suggests that moderate consumption of bananas may be protective against kidney cancer. A 2005 Swedish study found that women who ate more than 75 servings of fruits and vegetables cut their risk of kidney cancer by 40 percent, and that bananas were especially effective. Women eating four to six bananas a week halved their risk of developing kidney cancer.

Bananas may be helpful in preventing kidney cancer because of their high levels of antioxidant phenolic compounds.
Health risks

Eaten in moderation, there are no significant side effects associated with eating bananas. However, eating the fruits in excess may trigger headaches and sleepiness, Flores said. She said that such headaches are caused by "the amino acids in bananas that dilate blood vessels." Overripe bananas contain more of these amino acids than other bananas. "Bananas can also contribute to sleepiness when eaten in excess due to the high amount of tryptophan found in them," she said. Magnesium also relaxes the muscles — another sometimes-benefit, sometimes-risk.

Bananas are a sugary fruit, so eating too many and not maintaining proper dental hygiene practices can lead to tooth decay. They additionally do not contain enough fat or supermolecule to be a healthy meal on their own, or an efficient post-workout snack.

Eating bananas becomes considerably risky provided that you eat too several. The Agriculture Department recommends that adults eat regarding 2 cups of fruit each day, or regarding 2 bananas. If you eat dozens of bananas a day, there is also a risk of overly high nutriment and mineral levels.

The University of Maryland middle reported  that K overconsumption will result in symptom, that is characterised by muscle weakness, temporary palsy ANd an irregular heartbeat. It will have serious consequences, however you'd need to eat regarding forty three bananas during a short time for any symptoms of symptom to occur.

According to the office, overwhelming quite five hundred milligrams of vitamin B daily will presumably result in nerve harm within the arms and legs. you'd need to eat thousands of bananas to achieve that level of vitamin B.

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