Efficacy Of Dried Breadfruit Leaves

Who ever heard of breadfruit? Breadfruit is similar to apples and oranges because the same fruit but the difference is only in the texture only. Breadfruit is often more tender just like bread. Therefore the Europeans consider this fruit as fruit bread or breadfruit.

In addition to the fruit that can be consumed, it turns out the trunk of the tree of breadfruit can be used as household furniture. Almost no one is using the leaf can be used whereas breadfruit as a traditional medicine that is able to heal a variety of illnesses such as heart, kidney, liver and many others. However, there are still many people who wear leaves breadfruit as a livestock feed.

Note that the leaves of dried breadfruit is able to help the kidneys so well again. Kidney disease sufferers it is advisable to consume the leaves dried breadfruit have been processed into herbal remedies. The body cannot manufacture the amino acids of life so as to get it just by consuming the leaves dried breadfruit.

In addition the content of leaf sukung like asetilcolin, tannins, riboflavin and hidrosianat very good to make the body healthy especially kidney health. You need to do is to take the breadfruit leaves still clean and then washed with running water and boiled together 5 cups of water. Strain it and then drink the leaf breadfruit is ready to drink.
Efficacy Of Dried Breadfruit Leaves

Breadfruit leaves can lower cholesterol levels
Breadfruit leaves cures to make healthy kidneys back with how to help lower high cholesterol levels in the body and make it normal again. Simply boil a few leaves to dry and then water is drunk breadfruit per day. High cholesterol levels return to normal limits again and was able to control properly.

Breadfruit leaves to treat heart disease
One of the dangerous and deadly disease is heart disease. The leaves of the breadfruit tree sticking can overcome heart disease. The trick, take the leaves and then washed it clean old breadfruit and then dried. Once dry recently boiled with water to taste until boiling and half live. After that, add the water and then boiled again. After the boil then strain and drink of water decoction of the leaves until it expires on that day.

Breadfruit leaves to treat gout
Uric acid can be overcome with inexpensive cost without going to the doctor, the trick is to use the breadfruit leaves. Breadfruit leaves Seduh dry with hot water and add a little bit of pure honey or sugar cubes so that it tastes bitter then don't drink it regularly.

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