Benefits Of Breadfruit And Leaves

Breadfruit is very popular among the people because it is usually processed into various delicious foods at once nutritious. No one would have thought if breadfruit turns have many benefits for the health of the body. The following is a benefit of breadfruit and its leaves are for the health of all of us.

Breadfruit leaves to cope with kidney disease
Benefits of breadfruit leaves the first one is to treat kidney disease. I need to know if the leaves contain potassium breadfruit, hidrosianat acid, polyphenols, tannins, saponins, riboflavin and phenols. Although there is still no scientific proof of the benefits of breadfruit leaves for kidneys but many sufferers of kidney disease feel better after consumption. For example reduced kidney stones that come out while urinating and also loss of swelling.

Treating gout
Uric acid can be overcome by consuming leaves of breadfruit, the trick is to mix a handful of breadfruit leaves dried and then brewed together with boiling water. Don't forget plus honey or sugar cubes so that the bitter taste out of the leaf SAP of breadfruit is somewhat reduced. Breadfruit is also useful as a substitute for rice because of the calories in fruit is very low and is suitable for people who are dieting.
Benefits Of Breadfruit And Leaves

Treat heart pain
Leaf breadfruit turns can overcome heart disease. Several expert researchers who conduct research in the Chemical Research Center of LIPI concluded that extracts of breadfruit leaves contain flavonoid and sitosterol result can maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels. Breadfruit leaves can lower blood cholesterol levels while protecting the heart.

Lowering cholesterol levels
Do you have high cholesterol levels? No need to worry because for it down simply by boiling some water and drink breadfruit leaves until exhausted. How this is done routinely every day until there is a change in yourself.

Preventing inflammation and inflammation
Leaves of breadfruit can also prevent inflamai and inflammation. The trick is to wash one clean sheet leaves old breadfruit and boil breadfruit leaves last with just the five glasses of water. After the water is reduced in half then add more water and lift and strain it, then drink. To do routine daily in this way.

Lowering blood sugar levels
The leaves contain flavonoid compounds breadfruit succeeded in the isolation of Chemical Research Center by LIPI and the benefits of these compounds is touted as a very strong anti diabetes.

Rich in fiber
Breadfruit is very beneficial for people with diabetes because of the fiber in the breadfruit is enough to reduce the absorption of sugar by the body. Consume regularly can reduce the risk of diabetes and make your blood sugar can be controlled.

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